Our Values

Our Values

We deliver results that matter to young people.

We hold ourselves accountable to achieving results that materially improve the experiences of young people in child care, in classrooms, and on their journey from school to college/career and that ultimately impact their life outcomes. This level of responsibility drives us, with focus and urgency, to envision bold ideas for change and attend to the details that can make change a reality.

We value our team.

We value the unique experiences, talents, and perspectives of every member of our team. We believe each person’s contributions, regardless of title or tenure, help us to improve. We trust and support each other to tackle bold, ambitious work and deliver on the pieces entrusted to us. We enjoy connecting with each other and are rooting for our teammates through all of life’s challenges and opportunities.

We commit to our own learning.

Each of us is responsible for and committed to our own professional growth–both by building knowledge and growing skills. We build our knowledge about what is happening with young people, our clients, our sector, and the world around us. We grow our skills by seeking out challenging experiences, learning from leaders in our field, inviting feedback from colleagues and clients, and reflecting on our own practice.

We collaborate purposefully.

We build better solutions and are more likely to achieve enduring change when we work as a collective rather than as individuals. We contribute our time, skills, and insights to our team members’ projects and welcome the same for our projects. On any given challenge, we keep each other close, consulting our teammates on big decisions and keeping them up to speed on important details.


Good ideas almost never scale within the massive and fragmented American child care, education, and workforce systems. In order to find their way to the communities and families who need them, good ideas need an advocate within the system, someone who knows the system and understands how it can work to bring good ideas to life.